Friday, June 15, 2012

Found Fridays {Green With Glamour: follow up}

A few fridays ago I posted on having found these two vintage caned tub need of some love I sent them off to the upholsterer while I went on vacation.  Thank goodness for the distraction of my trips because whenever I send things out to get refinished I am usually antsy with anticipation awaiting to see the final result and combo of the fabric and finish I chose...And, while I didn't stray too far on changing the color for this one I did decide to take the tufting up a notch and elminate the caning all together.  So here are the after shots of my oh so {Green With Glamour} Tub Chairs!  What do you think?!!


To check out what they looked like before click here! I'm posting them up for sale on the sites shop now so they will be available to purchase by the end of day!
Creatively Yours,
Cassandra Stearns

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Trashing Textiles {Your Fashion By-Products}

Love this info graphic and had to share! Get all the deets and read the full article here on the "naturally advanced blog" 

If you already make an effort to reduce, re-use and recycle then great but why not take it a step further and buy more of the products you know are sourced and manufactured sustainably? Chrysalis Couture  provides just that over at our shop

{image via USAgain via naturally advanced blog}
Feel free to pass along the message!

Creatively Yours,
Cassandra Stearns

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So proud to announce the newly designed and long overdue is live! I hope you enjoy because this is only the beginning!  With that, I encourage you to subscribe to my mailing list to get all the latest including when new product is added to the shop.  Currently this week I am finishing up the photography for my latest product including more furniture items so you won't want to miss it!   

A huge thanks to Kimber & Cassa Romero and Molly Cranna for all of the beautiful photos that populate my site. As more opportunities come my way each day I thank all those in my life who continue to been an amazing support are all helping me grow my career every day and I truly appreciated that.

I can't wait to see what you think!

Creatively Yours,
Cassandra Stearns

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pillow Project! {With The Kids At PS1 School}

 A few weeks back a good friend {and half of my trusted photographer duo} asked me to help her out with an after school project with the kids at the PS1 School she works at in Santa Monica. {you might remember I also paired up with them a few months back for an art auction}.  Well this time around, a group of her students won a contest and thus won the prize of picking a project they all wanted to my luck they picked pillow making!! So last week, we {Kimber and I} gathered up some leftover {but extremely funky} materials for the kids to get creative with while teaching them a thing or two about cool ways to upcycle and re-use random materials and we gave them a chance to be the designers! 

The day before we had the kids get a little "jackson pollock" on us by showing them what a little bleach could do to denim, and later that day Kimber and I finished the rest. A splitter splatter here and a splitter splatter there...

To give them a head start and a little inspiration I brought in some of the pillows I had done to show them what was possible..Then Kimber, myself and the 10 kids at PS1 School got to get even more creative and started picking, pinning and sewing up the fabric and trim.

Heres what they came up cool right?! 

And they all had so much fun...they wanna do it again next school year!

I even made specialty labels just for them...who knows, maybe a KIDS line of pillows is the next direction for me:)

Creatively Yours,
Cassandra Stearns