Why Not Host A Sunday Brunch?!
Last weekend was absolutely gorgeous out! Flowers have been starting to bloom and I have to admit...I really wanted to bring a little spring essence inside so I decided to have some friends over for a Sunday brunch! Heres how I pulled it all together...with only a few hours notice and a budget!
First I took inspiration from the various colors in the flowers blooming just outside my apartment...reds, oranges and greens. While at first glance none of these flowers looked like they coordinated with each other but I just started picking and gathering a bunch to see what would happen and this is what I got!
A beautiful and uncontrived mix of what I learned was red calliandra( or as i call it the pom pom flower), red and white camellia, orange clivia, red gerranium, and huge green calla lily leaves to bind them all together. Just remember..you don't have to be a professional florist or buy a ton of expensive flowers from the market...just seek and you shall find!
Next thing I did was take some of that bargain floral fabric I found a few weeks ago and use it as my table cloth. While I didn't have time to sew it all up and clean up the rough edges I used it anyways. All I did was put the fabric through the wash and give it a nice hot iron.
Now to set the table....I kept things less than matchy matchy. In fact, since I have been collecting so much vintage dishware I actually found it hard to choose just one collection to go with...so I decided to mix it up. But, if you don't have a collection of your own going, simple white dishes will do, maybe some clear vessels....really anthying! Especially when you are topping and filling them with colorful delicious food...let that be the added texture and color. Mmmm yum!
So gather your favorite fruits (lots of color to work with in that department) and ask a friend to bring some croissants from a local bakery or their favorite juice and there you have it...Everyone will have something they enjoy to eat and less stress(and money) on you to buy all the goodies.
Happy Brunching!
Creatively Yours,
Cassandra Stearns
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