Monday, May 14, 2012

"Things I'm Afraid To Tell You"

Hey I woke up this morning feeling a bit overwhelmed at all the things I want/have to get done this week and one of them was writing a blog wasn't the actual writing that was getting to me but it was what to write about which was a mystery.  So I started like I almost always do.  I opened up my laptop and started checking and responding to emails, surfing social media and blog sites, and then I found this post from Coco+Kelley.

{image via EZ}

  This is one of those posts you stumble upon and its like ahhh (not to be confused with aghh) meaning I am glad I took the time to read it!  Its like going down a rabbit hole to reality that happens to be so refreshing.  The post was titled "Things I'm Afraid to Tell You".  After reading this post the doors kept opening to other "like" posts from bloggers involved in this now called "movement"...and a movement it truely is! As a newbie in the blog/small business start up world I can't tell you how the words have been taken from my mouth affirming to me that I am diving into a pool of like minded people...more alike than I thought!  I can't wait to take the time to keep reading others posts that have joined the "Things I'm Afraid To Tell You" movement..

So, until I gather my thoughts more completely to share, I encourage you to get to know me more through the words of others by reading a few yourselves!

Here are the links to "wave 2" and I will do my best to keep bringing you more! Happy Reading...

Creatively Yours,

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